Privacy Policy

This document outlines the privacy policy implemented by OV Career (Private) Limited (the Company) for the website (the Website). All users are required to carefully read and comprehend this policy statement. If any user does not understand or accept all the clauses outlined herein, they are advised not to use the Website or its services.

The Company is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of its users and is committed to providing a secure online experience. Our objective is to ensure that any information provided to us remains private and is used or disclosed solely for the specified purposes outlined below.

In addition, the Company prioritizes the security and protection of user data, adhering to the guidelines set forth by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 2018, and the Data Protection Act 2018. This commitment encompasses the collection, storage, processing, protection, and marketing of data and information on behalf of users and visitors. The policy comprehensively addresses the collection of personal information, its use, the legal bases for processing, disclosures to third parties, international transfers of personal information, and the use of cookies on the website.

As a career site, will request job seekers, partners, and employers to voluntarily submit information relevant to job/candidate searches for the purpose of conducting and optimizing the search/filter functionality. Our member privacy practices are outlined in detail below.

We function as a Data Controller, as defined by the GDPR.

To fully engage with our job and candidate databases, or to utilize the filtering and search functionalities, registration as a member on the Website is required.

Non-registered users are granted limited access, such as the ability for non-registered job seekers to view published job vacancies. Similarly, non-registered partners have partial access to view job vacancies, and non-registered companies can view brief details of job seekers.

During the registration process, we will request contact information from job seekers, partners, and employers, as well as information about your company from employers and partners. The Website exclusively owns the information collected during registration and/or editing pages, and we commit not to disclose this information to any external parties beyond OV Career (Private) Limited and its affiliated entities. However, your contact information, such as name, Skype ID, phone number, and email address, may be used to contact you regarding features/services on our site that we believe may be of interest.

Our aim is to provide users with a personalized experience each time they log onto the Website. Consequently, we may direct you to jobs, articles, forums, etc., that we believe can assist you in your career or lifestyle activities.

It’s important to note that the details collected do not include credit card information. Any credit card details provided will not be stored, sold, shared, rented, or leased to any third parties.

Members can choose to upload their CVs, with the flexibility to edit or change information in their profiles at any time. Additionally, members have the option to remove their profiles and CVs from our databases whenever they wish.

To enhance the user experience in finding the ideal CV, we convert uploaded CVs into a text format using specific software tools. It’s important to note that this process may have inherent limitations and errors in translation or conversion, and you acknowledge this limitation.

If you upload your CV without creating a profile, your information is visible to employers who conduct searches in our database.

Members can opt to connect their external profiles on various social media platforms (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) to the Website. Other users, whether members or non-members, have the choice to view these profiles and follow the provided links to learn more about individuals. Members can also remove these links from our databases at their discretion.

The details submitted may be reviewed by our moderators and matched with the uploaded CVs and external profile links. For consistency and appropriateness, our moderators may adjust profile information on the Website. It’s important to note that we will not alter any information in your resume or external profiles.

The Company sources and publishes jobs from various channels, including social media, other job portals, recruiters’ websites, company websites, and newspapers. Each job post includes a verification link, and due credit is given to the source from which the job is collected. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact us regarding any errors or omissions or to request the removal of a page or specific job post.

The primary objective is to enhance your brand visibility by providing a platform that features a comprehensive list of jobs and job seekers, including references to their external profiles.

Authorization to access other accounts such as Gmail, Contacts, LinkedIn, etc.
We are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions to our clients and enhancing functionality and user experience. We prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of your information and will not disclose it without your explicit permission.

Our Gmail and People app may access basic data from your account, such as your name, email, gender, or country. This access allows us to send emails on your behalf, view your email messages and settings, and access your contacts.

For job posts that require application through email on our portal, we seek permission to send emails from your account and apply to jobs. To ensure delivery and identify any bounces, electronic access to your inbox is granted. It’s important to note that no human beings download or read your email messages; your information remains secure with us.

We will never request your passwords, alter your password, or delete your account. Additionally, we will not make payments with Google Wallet on your behalf, and we commit not to sell or share your information with any third party.

You retain the option to revoke this permission by logging into your Gmail account or through your OVCareer account.

Employers are requested to provide contact information and details about position requirements when engaging in job listing activities. The submission of information is entirely voluntary, and job details are accessible to both registered and non-registered job seeker members.

However, non-members are unable to apply or directly contact employers. Employers have the option to assign the task of job posting to designated individuals. Users are also permitted to post job openings on behalf of employers, which we will publish for the benefit of employers. If there is any disagreement, it is recommended to resolve the matter directly with the user and inform us accordingly. Both employers and users assume full responsibility in this context, and the Company disclaims any responsibility. The Company’s liability is restricted to providing available contact information for the person creating such profiles and posts. This limitation is inherent to social media sites, and the Company is not a party to such transactions.

You have the flexibility to change, modify, or delete any information you provide at any time.

The Website remains dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing privacy, consistently updating our privacy policy. It is advised to visit the Website regularly to stay informed. If at any juncture you disagree with any aspect, kindly deactivate your account promptly and refrain from using the website.

For cancellations and refunds, please reach out via the “Contact Us” page. Any cancellation or refund will be determined at the Company’s sole discretion and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

The Company is dedicated to ensuring the privacy of visitors and registered users on, encompassing jobseekers, employers, partners, and VA clients.

We function as a data controller regarding the personal data of visitors and other users. We have implemented privacy controls that impact how we process your personal data.

Cookies are utilized on these websites, and your consent for their use is implied. We will not explicitly request your consent upon your initial visit to our websites.

In accordance with Article 5 of the GDPR, personal data of users and visitors must be:

a. Processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently in relation to individuals.
b. Collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes. Further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes shall not be considered incompatible with the initial purposes.
c. Adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
d. Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date; every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that inaccurate personal data are erased or rectified without delay.
e. Kept in a form that permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed. Personal data may be stored for longer periods if processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes, subject to the implementation of appropriate technical and organizational measures required by the GDPR to safeguard the rights and freedoms of individuals.
f. Processed in a manner that ensures the appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

This policy is applicable to all personal data processed by the Company, including names, emails, contact numbers, addresses, cities, employers, social profiles, online profiles, degrees and educational records, government-issued identity card numbers, skills, functions, industries, preferences, IP addresses, browser information, contacts of users, and some partial information about visitors.

We have designated a full-time Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for continuous compliance with this policy. The DPO can be reached at the “Contact Us” section. This policy will undergo review at least annually.

The Company is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, the Federal Board of Revenue, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

GDPR – Lawful, Fair And Transparent Processing

To ensure that data processing is lawful, fair, and transparent, we maintain a Register of Systems. This register is reviewed at least annually. Individuals have the right to access their personal data, and any requests made will be handled promptly.

GDPR – Lawful Purposes

All data processed by us is done for the following lawful bases: consent, contract, legal obligation, vital interests, public task, or legitimate interests. The appropriate lawful basis is noted in the Register of Systems. For data processed based on consent, evidence of opt-in consent is retained with the personal data. We provide individuals with the option to revoke their consent, and systems are in place to accurately reflect such revocations in our systems.

GDPR – Data Minimization

We ensure that personal data is adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

GDPR – Accuracy

We take reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of data and provide users with permission and access to update any information that is inaccurate or expired. Personal data is retained for no longer than necessary, and an archiving policy is in place for each area of data processing, reviewed annually.

GDPR – Security

The Company ensures that personal data is stored securely using modern and up-to-date software. Access to personal data is limited to personnel who require access, and appropriate security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized sharing of information. When personal data is deleted, it is done safely to ensure irrecoverability. Appropriate backup and disaster recovery solutions are also in place.

GDPR – Breach

We have a sophisticated system in place to safeguard user and visitor data. In the event of a security breach, leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access to personal data, the Company will promptly assess the risk to people’s rights and freedoms. We will inform the relevant authorities and affected users in the event of any breach.

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